What is the Washing Machine Drain Pipe Height? (Explained!)

Recognizing the appropriate washing machine: A washer must have its drain pipe height determined before installation. If you make a mistake, you could have an overflow or wastewater sucking back into your system! However, how high should the drain pipe on the washer be?

The washing machine should ideally be raised between 23 and 35 inches off the ground. It is between 60 and 90 cm high. It shouldn’t be higher than 96 inches or 8 feet, though you can go higher still. However, the washer’s kind, brand, and drainage option affect the drain pipe height.

You’ll see that front-loaders and top-loaders have different height ranges. Significant differences exist among the leading washer brands, not to mention the different drainage options.

I’ll break down the three factors to help you better understand the washer’s drain pipe height. We will also discuss the significance of raising the washer to a specific altitude and the washer’s p-trap height.

Now, let’s get started!

Washing Machine Drain Pipe Height

Factors Determining the Washing Machine Drain Pipe Height

These three variables typically determine the height of a washer’s drain pipe:

  • Washer type
  • Washer brand
  • Drainage option

Next, let’s talk about the three:

Type of Washing Machine Vs. Drain Pipe height

We are limited to comparing the top and front loader under the washer type.

a) Front Load Washing Machine Drain Pipe Height

Unlike their cousins, top loaders and front-load washers do not need a higher drain pipe height. It should, therefore, be at least 24 inches off the ground, though the size may vary depending on the brand.

However, for front loaders, the maximum height of the washing machine drain pipe is 96 inches (8 feet). It would help if you didn’t exceed this limit because, without a sump pump, it will be difficult for your drain pump to remove the wastewater.

b) Top Load Washing Machine Drain Pipe Height

Top-loaders necessitate a much higher drain pipe height, as previously mentioned. The drain pipe must be at least thirty inches off the ground for best pumping.

But the height shouldn’t exceed eight feet unless you install a sump pump, just like with front loaders. However, as I will explain below, washer brands generally vary in the height of the drain pipe.

2. Brand Vs. Washing Machine Drain Height

Now that we’ve discussed washer brands, let’s concentrate on the most popular ones. I’m referring to Bosch, Haier, LG, Samsung, GE, and Whirlpool.

a) Samsung Washing Machine Drain Pipe Height

Samsung can install the drain pipe between 24 and 35 inches above the ground. Nevertheless, the drain hose shouldn’t be kinked or blocked before installation, and it shouldn’t extend more than 6 to 8 inches into the standpipe.

b) GE Washer Drain Pipe Height

The drain on GE front-loading appliances should normally be at least 24 inches above the ground. In contrast, the drain pipe on GE top loaders must be at least 30 inches above the ground.

Therefore, you must raise the drain pipe on the top loader higher than the one on the front loader. However, unless you have a sump pump, you shouldn’t go over 8 feet in either situation.

c) Whirlpool Washer Drain Pipe Height

According to Whirlpool’s handbook, the washer drain pipe height varies slightly depending on the type and model of the washer. Whirlpool advises a minimum standpipe height of 39 inches and a maximum height of 96 inches (8 feet) above the ground.

d) Bosch Washing Machine Drain Pipe Height

For best results, you should maintain the drain pipe height of Bosch washing machines between 80 and 100 cm (31.5 and 39.4 inches). That height is ideal to prevent backflow.

e) Haier Washer Drain Pipe Height

Haier follows Bosch’s precise measurements when installing drain pipes. The drain pipe height in this instance, is 80–100 cm, or 31.5–39.4 inches.

f) LG Washing Machine Drain Pipe Height

Installing the washer drain pipe at least 29 inches off the floor is what LG requires. Still, you shouldn’t go deeper than 8 feet to prevent source water contamination and backflows. However, generally, refer to the handbook to find the precise measurement for your washer model.

Ultimately, the conversation above leads us to the summary table that follows:

Washer BrandOff-the-Ground Drain Pipe Height
Samsung24-35 inches
GEFrom 24 inches
WhirlpoolFrom 39 inches (standpipe height)
Bosch31.5-39.4 inches
Haier31.5-39.4 inches
LGFrom 24 inches

Drainage Option Vs. Washing Machine Drain Hose Position

These three drainage options are typically found on washing machines:

  • Standpipe 
  • Laundry tub
  • Underground pipette

The three drainage options—which I address below—generally dictate the height of the drainage pipe.

1. Standpipe Drainage

A standpipe connects the home water waste stack and the washer drain pipe. By selecting a standpipe, you can keep unwelcome sewer fumes and overflow at bay. But you have to be accurate with the height. The typical standpipe height for washer installation is between 39 and 96 inches.

In general, two elements are essential for installing standpipes, and they are

  • Standpipe length – Generally speaking, the drain hose gets longer the higher the altitude (higher the standpipe), and vice versa. It is crucial that the drain hose you purchase fits the length of the standpipe.
  • Distance from the washer –  The horizontal distance between the washer and the standpipe must also be considered. The drain hose lengthens as the two get farther apart.

2. Laundry Tub Drainage

Thanks to the laundry tub drainage system, your washer can drain through a washing tub. To prevent wastewater backflow, the overall height of your washer’s drain pipe should not be above 96 inches (8 feet) off the ground.

Additionally, the washer and laundry tub shouldn’t be separated by more than 45 inches.

3. Underground Pipe Drainage

Despite being the most expensive of the three, an underground pipe is the most effective drainage option for washers. An underground pipe height of 18 to 96 inches is advised for washing machines from the washer’s base.

Thus, it would be best if you didn’t go over 96 inches or 8 feet again.

How About the Washing Machine’s P-Trap Height?

For any installation, the washer’s p-trap distance is important. The p-trap should ideally be positioned 6 and 18 inches above the ground. You need to figure out how far the floor is from the centre of the p-trap arm.

These are the United States’ Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) guidelines. This indicates that disregarding the code when performing plumbing work near your washer is prohibited in most states.

For clarification, you might need to speak with a qualified plumber or municipal agent in your area first.

Why does the washer’s p-trap height matter?

There is a rationale behind the UPC’s insistence on 6 to 18 inches. Installing the p-trap too low (less than 6 inches) will cause the sewer to back up your drain line, encounter a barrier, and eventually end up in your home’s water supply.

That could spark a water-borne infection and contaminate your home’s water supply, which makes it dangerous.

Another justification for adhering to the UPC is to promote a simple p-trap. Raising it above the level of eighteen inches makes it difficult to reach.

Why do we need a P-trap for your washing machine?

We will require a p-trap if your washer empties into your home’s septic tank or the city sewer. Installing it is optional, but failing to do so puts you at risk of having sewer gas contaminate your home’s water supply and facing legal action for violating the UPC.

The washer drains into a grey tank, so a p-trap is unnecessary. These tanks manage wastewater devoid of kitchen waste or sewage (toilet water).

P-Trap Vs. Standpipe Height

Generally, the standpipe height can be determined by the location of the p-trap. Generally, the standpipe must be at least 18 inches higher than the p-trap.

The standpipe height must be at least 24 inches if the p-trap, for instance, is 6 inches above the ground.

Does the Washing Machine Drain Hose Need to Be Elevated?

The above question has a simple yes response. Indeed, raising the washing machine drain hose is necessary.

Elevating the washing machine stops siphoning, which occurs when the machine fills up and drains simultaneously. According to the previous discussion, siphoning mostly happens when the drain pipe is relatively low, lower than the minimum drain pipe height of 24 inches.

However, if you insert the drain hose from the washer too far down the drain pipe, siphoning could still happen. In general, the drain hose of a front loader should not be positioned deeper than 7 inches into the drain pipe, and in top loaders, it should not be deeper than 5 inches.

Another thing to remember is that raising the drain hose on your washing machine increases the flow rate while preventing kinks and blockages.

To prevent backflows, it’s important to remember not to raise the drain hose too much, particularly if you don’t have backflow preventers.


What Height Is a Washing Machine Drain and Hook Up Set at?

The distance between the washer’s drain and the floor should be 23 to 35 inches. Additionally, the precise dimensions of the hook-up set are visible.

Can A Washing Machine Drain Be Too High?

Any washing machine drain with a standpipe height above eight feet is deemed excessively high and may cause backflow. Consequently, a drain pipe’s height shouldn’t exceed eight feet.

What Is the Automatic Washing Machine Drain Pipe Height?

Whether an automatic washing machine is a front loader or a top loader determines the height of the drain pipe. If the former, aim for a minimum of 24 inches; if the latter, aim for a minimum of 30 inches.

How High Can a Washing Machine Discharge Water?

The majority of washing machines have a 150-foot horizontal water discharge distance. However, when removed from the water, the washers have an 8-foot vertical working length.

How High Should a Washing Machine Trap Be?

According to the US Uniform Plumbing Code, a washing machine’s p-trap should be 6 to 8 inches above the floor (UPC). This encourages the optimal emptying of the washer’s discharge into the sewer and stops backflow.


You are now aware of the height of the washing machine drain pipe. A front load washer should be at least 24 inches off the ground, and a top load washer should be at least 30 inches. However, unless you install a sump pipe, don’t go beyond 8 feet (96 inches) in either scenario.

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